13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (2024)

Traditionally, we pour the bubbly on New Year's Eve, but what about the menu? Of course, that depends on where you live. In different cultures, certain foods are believed to bring good luck in the year ahead. These New Year's food traditions from around the world have unique meanings and are well worth considering putting on your menu as you set your intentions for the year ahead.

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (1)

Whether it's black-eyed peas as part of a New Year's Day brunch or cabbage on New Year's Eve, adding these good luck foods to your party plans are a delicious way to say see-ya to the old year and hello to a lucky new year.

You've Been Serving Champagne All Wrong — Here's How To Do It Right

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (2)

Ham is often a holiday centerpiece, but pork is specifically thought to bring good luck on New Year's Day. So why is pork a New Year's food tradition?

First, it has to do with the way pigs behave differently than other animals. According to some theorists, while chickens and turkeys scratch backward, a pig buries his snout into the ground and moves forward—in the same direction you want to head in the new year. Another reason is logistics: Pigs are traditionally slaughtered in late fall, which makes pork an ideal choice to set aside for celebrating the new year. Finally, pork (and cabbage) eaten on New Year's is a German and Eastern European tradition brought to America by early settlers.

Start your new year off right with these Barbecue Pork Sandwiches With Crunchy Coleslaw.

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (3)

Right alongside the pork is often sauerkraut or some form of cabbage. This tradition also hails from Germany and Eastern Europe and is rooted in simple logistics: A late fall harvest coupled with a six-to-eight-week fermenting process means that sauerkraut is just about ready when New Year's rolls around.

Cabbage on New Year's is also steeped in symbolism—the strands of cabbage in sauerkraut or coleslaw can symbolize long life, while cabbage can also represent money. Try your luck with this recipe for a Japanese Cabbage Pancake.

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Black-Eyed Peas

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (4)

Eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day is a time-honored tradition. Black-eyed peas are actually a kind of bean, not to be confused with green peas (or the hip hop band). There are a few different reasons they're associated with luck on New Year's Day.

One theory anchors the tradition in the Civil War, when Union soldiers raided the Confederate army's food supply, leaving behind only this bean. Another theory is anchored in African American history, where newly-freed enslaved people celebrated the January 1863 Emancipation Proclamation with dishes made of black-eyed peas—one of the few foods available to enslaved people. But other theories date the legume's lucky reputation back to Ancient Egypt, suggesting that eating the pea—a vegetable readily available to even the poorest enslaved people—was a way to show humility to the gods. Help increase your chances for a prosperous new year with this recipe for Black-Eyed Pea Ribollita.

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (5)

Black-eyed peas naturally go hand-in-hand with greens as a great combination, but greens themselves are known to be lucky for New Year's. So why do people eat collard greens on the New Year?

It's all about the color green, which symbolizes money and prosperity. Also, according to some traditions rooted in the South, greens can be hung by the door to ward off any evil spirits that may come your way. It can't hurt, right? Here is a collard greens with bacon recipe that's simple, delicious, and lucky.

The 30 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (6)

Rice is a staple of New Year's celebrations in Asia—and in the South, where it's paired with red beans for Hoppin' John, which is served on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to bring prosperity and luck. It's associated with prosperity and good luck, and in India, it's believed it can take away bad omens. You could try a simple red beans and rice recipe, or serve it up Asian style with a chicken congee.

Slow Cooker Chicken Congee

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (7)

One thing that many of the lucky New Year's foods have in common? (Besides being delicious, of course!) They represent—or even look like—things that represent wealth and good fortune. Cornbread's golden hue and often round shape (especially when made in a cast-iron skillet) represents gold—an obvious representation of good fortune in the new year. Corn spoon bread includes both cornmeal and fresh or frozen corn kernels for extra corn goodness.

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (8)

Lentils are a legume that is often served in Italian households, and their legend is rooted in prosperity: The round legumes look like coins. For New Year's Eve, nutritious lentils are traditionally eaten after midnight, along with pork and sausages.

Need more lentils in your life? Consider adding this Carrot and Red Lentil Soup to your New Year's Eve arsenal.

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New Year's Pretzel

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (9)

Thank the Germans for this sweet finish to the old year and start of the new. A sweet pretzel (often frosted or sugared) is broken and shared amongst your guests at some point between midnight and the morning to bring goodness into the next year. You can see a recipe for a New Year's pretzel here, or enjoy our simple, savory focaccia version below,

Brussels Sprouts Flatbread With Lemon and Pecorino

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (10)

Fish is another common dish on plates around the world on New Year's—especially in cultures close to water. For example, in Scandinavian countries, herring was considered a harbinger of good fortune, especially as the silver-scaled fish called to mind valuable money. Herring, heavily traded, was also essential to the country's prosperity.

Eating herring was a way to hope for a good catch in the months to come because herring had unpredictable migration patterns, and a good year didn't necessarily indicate the next year would be as successful.

Today, herring still symbolizes good fortune, making it an excellent option for a New Year's appetizer. Likewise, pickled herring makes a tasty crostini topper on any crostini party platter. Not a herring fan? Sardines are a member of the same fish family, and are also considered lucky. Try these Smoked Sardine Toasts With Lemon Mayo and Fennel Salad and test this theory for yourself.

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (11)

In China, Japan, and many other Asian countries, it's customary to serve and eat noodles on New Year's Day. Their length symbolizes longevity—so make sure not to break or shorten the noodles during the cooking process.

Serve soba noodles, udon, sesame stir-fried noodles, or try this delicious recipe for Spicy Coconut Noodles.

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Grapes and Other Fruit

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (12)

In Filipino culture, New Year's Eve is traditionally celebrated with 12 types of fruit. They choose 12 specifically to symbolize each month. Filipinos tend to prefer round fruits, but mangoes and watermelon also make the cut. In Mexico, grapes are eaten at midnight to symbolize the year ahead. In China and other Asian countries, oranges are prized for their round shape and gold-like hue as a representation of good fortune.

Throughout the world, pomegranates, a symbol of fertility and birth, are eaten at the new year. A jewel-toned slice of Pomegranate-Almond Toast is an easy and delicious way to start the New Year on the right foot.

5 Delicious Ways to Extend the Life of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Until Your Next Trip to the Grocery Store

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13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (13)

Dumplings are a pan-culture holiday favorite, with every country having their own take on it. Dumplings are a big part of Lunar New Year celebrations, as their shape resembles money bags. You're encouraged to eat plenty of dumplings, to help bring you wealth and good fortune in the New Year. (P.S. These turkey and scallion dumplings make good use of any leftover holiday turkey you have lurking in your freezer.)

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Vasilopita Cake

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (14)

When isn't cake a fantastic celebration option? Many cultures have specific New Year's cakes. For example, the Greeks enjoy a cake called Vasilopita, also known as king pie or basil pie. The cake is made only for New Year's and eaten on New Year's Day (see a Vasilopita from 2017 in the picture). This Greek New Year's cake is sweet, bready, and topped with almonds. Traditionally, the cake is baked with a coin or trinket inside, and the person who gets the treasure-filled slice is supposed to have good luck for the year ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What dessert do you eat on New Year's Day?

    A number of countries have special New Year's dessert suggestions, such as the Vasilopita above, Denmark's kransekage (a stack of ring-shaped almond cakes), the Netherlands' doughnut-like olliebollen, or Germany's sweetened New Year's pretzel. In China, it's all about the nian gao, a sweet glutinous rice cake.

    Learn More:Lunar New Year Traditions

  • Are you supposed to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day?

    Black-eyed peas have been linked to luck and good fortune for New Year's since around the Civil War era. Serve them with cornbread and greens for a delicious triple threat of good luck.

  • What does corn bread mean on New Year's Day?

    Cornbread's circular shape and golden hue mimics a gold coin, so it represents wealth and prosperity in the New Year.

13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck (2024)


13 New Year's Food Traditions That Bring Good Luck? ›

Greens, Black-Eyed Peas, Cornbread, and Ham | Photo by Meredith. You may not be superstitious, but why tempt fate? Dig into these traditional lucky foods on New Year's Day to attract abundance and prosperity in the year ahead.

What food brings you good luck for the new year? ›

Greens, Black-Eyed Peas, Cornbread, and Ham | Photo by Meredith. You may not be superstitious, but why tempt fate? Dig into these traditional lucky foods on New Year's Day to attract abundance and prosperity in the year ahead.

What is the food tradition for New Year's? ›

New Year's foods are dishes traditionally eaten for luck in the coming year. Many traditional New Year dishes revolve around the food's resemblance to money or to its appearance symbolizing long life, such as long noodles or strands of sauerkraut. Sweets, symbolizing a sweet new year, are often given or consumed.

What are the superstitions for New Year's Day food? ›

It's said that you shouldn't eat winged fowl (read: birds like turkey or chicken), bottom feeders (like shrimp or catfish), or any seafood that swims backward or side to side (like lobster or crab).

What food represents money? ›

Greens are another traditional southern dish, and their green color is supposed to symbolize money. The golden shade of cornbread is also a clue as to why it is eaten. Its color and shape (typically round) also represent money and wealth. Black-eyed peas are full of fiber, iron, and calcium.

What not to cook on New Year's Eve? ›

Lobster, cows, and chicken are all considered unlucky animals to eat on New Year's because of how they move. Read on for more foods superstitious people try to avoid on the holiday.

What food brings health wealth on New Year's? ›

Drawn from diverse cultures and traditions, here are 13 items said to bring good luck when consumed on January 1.
  • Pork. In German and Eastern European traditions, eating pork on New Year's Day is said to ensure progress. ...
  • Long Noodles. ...
  • Greens. ...
  • Black-Eyed Peas. ...
  • Cornbread. ...
  • Nuts.

What not to do on New Year's day? ›

Don't Clean the House on New Year's Day - You will wash away any good luck coming your way.

Can you wash your hair on New Year's day? ›

No washing or cutting your hair

It is believed that if you wash your hair on New Year's day, you'd also be washing away all your luck. It's somewhat similar to if you cut your hair, you'd be cutting your life shorter!

Why eat cabbage on New Year's day? ›

This eastern European tradition of eating cabbage on New Year's—either as a dish or as cabbage rolls—is meant to signify luck, particularly on the financial side of things. People who eat cabbage on New Year's believe that it'll help them make more money in the year ahead.

Why shouldn't you wash laundry on New Year's Day? ›

Don't wash those clothes

This is an odd one. According to folklore, if you wash clothes on New Year's Day, you'll be “washing for the dead” or washing a loved one away -- meaning someone in your household will die in the coming year. Get your laundry washed, dried, folded and put away by New Year's Eve.

Can I clean my house on New Year's Eve? ›

One common tradition is cleaning your house thoroughly on or before New Year's Eve. Out with the old, in with the new they say. Most people believe in the idea that cleaning your house before the first day of the New Year ensures that you don't carry in your old, somewhat soiled, life into the New Year.

Why eat pork on New Year's? ›

Pork was believed to bring good luck because “the pig roots forward” for its food, as opposed to the backward scratching of an animal like a chicken. The Germans also believed that if the pork was rich in fat, it would signify prosperity in life, according to Stoltzfus Meats, a Pa. Dutch food company.

What to drink for good luck? ›

GOOD LUCK CHARM co*cktail (Classic)
  • 50ml. Woodford Bourbon Whiskey.
  • 20ml. Lazaris Limoncello.
  • 25ml. Lemon Juice.
  • 5-6 fresh spearmint leaves.

What foods symbolize abundance? ›

Beans & grains are considered lucky because they resemble coins and they are in abundance representing wealth. Any bean or grain can show you the money, but black-eyed peas are the most common type for New Year's Day recipes.

What is the new year's Day food for good luck? ›

A ubiquitous New Year's Day good luck food in Europe and the United States, leafy greens from kale to collards are eaten to represent money and wealth. In the American South, collard greens especially are eaten with two other New Year's good luck foods, black-eyed peas and cornbread, for some extra fortune.

Which of the following should you eat on New Year's Day for good luck? ›

Along with black-eyed peas, some cultures believe that grapes, noodles, pork, or pomegranates can be considered lucky when eaten on New Year's.

How can I make my new year lucky? ›

7 New Year's Good Luck Traditions Around the World
  1. Keep your money under the carpet.
  2. Burn an “old man.”
  3. Turn the oven on and music up.
  4. Do good. Eat good.
  5. Wave bad luck goodbye.
  6. Fill your house with money - and some round fruit.
  7. Pop some grapes and grab a suitcase.
Dec 22, 2017

How do you manifest good luck for the new year? ›

How Do You Manifest in the New Year?
  1. Create New Goals for the Year. Your goals are about good luck, they are your manifesting desires. ...
  2. Visualize and Affirm Your Desire. ...
  3. Live in the Frequency. ...
  4. Follow Inspired Actions. ...
  5. Practice Good Habits. ...
  6. Connect with Like-Minded People.
Nov 21, 2023

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