(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore (2024)

Welcome to the biggest project I've ever done!
Tbh, I didn't think past me is this creative lmao
During 2020IE, I bit off more than I could chew, and that led to an unfinished project.
Welp, it's about time I finish it!

  • Sun Bee

  • Floating Bee

  • Toad Bee

  • Icy Bee

  • Lucky Bee

  • Spider Bee

  • Ruby Bee

  • Sapphire Bee

  • Bomby Bee

  • Snail Bee

  • Thorn Bee

  • Skelly Bee

  • Pine Bee

  • Spiky Bee

  • Ant Bee

  • Mountain Bee

  • Coconut Bee

  • Pepper Bee

  • Queen Bee

Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Sunflower Field.

An entity made of the Sun temporarily taking on the form of a bee to find its lost brother,Photon Bee."






Sun Bee is a Colorless Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Sun Bee.When Sun Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Sun Bee's favorite type of treat is Sun Rocks.

Sun Bee likes theSunflower Field,Dandelion Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 20 pollen in 1 seconds.
  • Makes 350 honey in 1.5 seconds.
  • +75% movespeed, +75% gather and convert speed, +25 gather amount, +200 convert amount, +3 attack.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus: +10% Instant Conversion, +25% Flame Duration, Enhanced "Sunbeam Storm"
    • Enhanced Sunbeam Storm makes it so the Sunbeam Storm ability will automatically convert all the pollen it collects.


  • Fire Breath:Breathe 1 line of fire in a random direction which make a trail of Flame.
  • Sunbeam Storm:Fires 4(+1 per 5 lvl) big beams from the Sun which collects and triple ALL pollen from Flowers they hit.If gifted,the pollen is instantly converted.
  • Sun Power:Summons 5Flames(+3 per level) on the field.
  • Gifted Ability:Sunny Day:When activated,cause every Flame on the field to last 100% longer and triple all Red pollen for 30(+1 per lvl) seconds.If there was a Sunny Day active within the last 3 minutes,this summons Sunbeam Storm instead.
  • [Passive: Gathering Flames] 75% chance (90% if Gifted) to spawn a Flame when gathering. Flames last 4s. Each second they collect 6 red/3 white/1 bluepollen (+2% per red bee in your hive, 4% if Gifted) from 9 flowers, and deal 15 dmg to nearby enemies. Flames also grant Flame Heat if you stand near them, boosting red pollen, instant red conversion, and bee attack.
  • Passive:Sunflower Power:When you're in Sunflower Field,you get the Sunflower Power effect.
    • The Sunflower Power effect gives +100% Sunflower Field Capacity and Sunflower Field Pollen,x1.05 Pollen and x1.25 Convert Rate At Hive
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Dandelion Field.

A bee that likes floating in the air.As Windy Bee's friend,he is a friend with the wind,and can float to its desire."






Floating Bee is a Colorless Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Floating Bee.When Floating Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Floating Bee's favorite type of treat is Dandelion Flowers.

Floating Bee likes theSunflower Field,Dandelion Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 20 pollen in 2 seconds.
  • Makes 200 honey in 1.5 seconds.
  • +50% movespeed, +75% convert speed, +50% gather speed, +150 convert amount, +3 attack.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus: +10% Instant White Conversion, +1.5x Boost From Winds, Enhanced "Bomb Cloud"
    • Enhanced Bomb Cloud makes it so the Bomb Cloud ability will summons 2 clouds instead of 1.


  • Bomb Cloud:Summons a cloud on the field that drops bombs from the sky which explodes and collect pollen like Buzz Bomb every 10 seconds that last for 1 minute.If the bee is gifted,there will be 2 clouds.
  • Calling the Wind:Summons 2 Windy Bees at 3 level lower than the bee on the field that lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Gifted Ability:Acid Rain of Bombs:Summons 3 Bomb Clouds.All clouds on the field last x2 longer and collect x2 more.
  • Passive:Dandelion Power:When you're in Sunflower Field,you get the Dandelion Power effect.
    • The Dandelion Power effect gives +100% Dandelion Field Capacity and Dandelion Field Pollen,+10% Bee Ability Rate and x1.25 Convert Rate At Hive.
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Mushroom Field.

An expert in Bombs,and is the vice leader of the Bomber and Demo Bees.It likes bombs so much that it makes bomb versions of itself."






Toad Bee is a Red Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Toad Bee.When Toad Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Toad Bee's favorite type of treat is Red Mushrooms.

Toad Bee likes theMushroom Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 20 pollen in 2 seconds.
  • Makes 200 honey in 2 seconds.
  • +50% movespeed, +3 attack, +200 convert amount.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus: +30% Bomb Pollen, Enhanced "Mushroom Bomb"
    • Enhanced Mushroom Bomb makes it so the Mushroom Bomb ability will collect x2 pollen.


  • [Buzz Bomb+] Collects 7 pollen from 29 surrounding flowers (+10% pollen per lvl). Combo with other bombs to increase power.
  • Mushroom Bomb:Drops 5(+1 per 5 level) Mushroom Bombs that,when touched,explodes and collect pollen equal to Buzz Bomb.Combo with other bombs to increase power.If the bee is gifted,this will colelct x2 the pollen.
  • Bomb Team:Summons 1 Demo Bee(+1 per 10 level) at level equal to this bee's level -2 that last for 15 seconds.
  • Explosion:Makes 1(+1 per 5 level) explosions on the field,dealing 10 damange when touched.
  • Gifted Ablilty: Bomb Party:Summons 3(+1 per 10 level) Demo Bees that last for 30 seconds.Random explosion on the field every 10 seconds for 60 seconds.If this ability was activated in the last 3 minutes,this only spawns Demo Bees.
  • Passive: Mushroom Power:When you're in Mushroom Field,you get the Mushroom Power effect.
    • The Mushroom Power effect gives +100% Mushroom Field Capacity and Mushroom Field Pollen,x1.1 Red Pollen and x1.25 Convert Rate At Hive.
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Blue Flower Field.

A bee so cold,it becomes ice. Everything that touches it,even for a spilt second,will be freezed to death."






Icy Bee is a Blue Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Icy Bee.When Icy Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Icy Bee's favorite type of treat is Blue Flower Petal.

Icy Bee likes theBlue Flower Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 10 pollen in 2 seconds.
  • Makes 100 honey in 4 seconds.
  • +50% energy, -25% movespeed, +3 attack, +200 convert amount.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus:+50% Blue Bomb Pollen.


  • Ice Blocks:Summons 3 Ice Blocks(+1 per 5 level) that explodes and collect pollen from an area equal to Buzz Bomb+.
  • Ice Shards:Shoots Ice Shards (1 per level) at the enemies to damage enemies equal to 5% of their current health (Increased by Icy Bee's attack. Damage reduced past 1000) and makes the enemies slower.Multiple spikes on the same target deal less damage.
  • Gifted Attack:Sub-Zero Temperature:Makes all of the enemies freeze for 10 seconds.During this time,all damage on the enemies are tripled.
  • Passive: Blue Flower Power:When you're in Blue Flower Field,you get the Blue Flower Power effect.
    • The Blue Flower Power effect gives +100% Blue Flower Field Capacity and Blue Flower Field Pollen,x1.5 Bubble Pollen and x1.25 Convert Rate At Hive
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Clover Field.

A bee whose luck is always insane.People come to his place to pray for good luck.And they always do!"






Lucky Bee is a Colorless Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Lucky Bee.When Lucky Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Lucky Bee's favorite type of treat is 4-Leaf Clover.

Lucky Bee likes theClover Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 20 pollen in 4 seconds.
  • Makes 100 honey in 4 seconds.
  • +25% movespeed, +25% gather and convert speed, +25 gather amount, +250 convert amount, +2 attack.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus:+100% Loot Luck.


  • Lucky Dices:Drops 1-4 Dices that boosts random fields every 30 minutes.
  • Clover Bombs:Drops 3 Clover Bombs(+1 per 5 level) that explodes when touched and collect pollen equals to a Buzz Bomb.
  • Luck:Gives a random effect in the list:
    • x1.5 Damage
    • x1.5 Movespeed
    • x1.5 Defense
    • x1.5 Bee Movespeed
    • x1.5 Critical Chance
    • x1.5 Critical Power
    • x1.5 Bee Ability Rate
    • Heals by 20 Hp
    • Lucky
  • Gifted Ability: Lucky Day: Gives the player Lucky x5.
  • Passive: Lucky:This gives the player +5% of every stats in the game.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second and +5% for every stack) for 30 seconds.
  • Passive: Clover Power:When you're in Clover Field,you get the Clover Power effect.
    • The Clover Power effect gives +100% Clover Field Capacity and Clover Field Pollen, x1.25 Pollen From Bees and +15% Loot Luck
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Spider Field.

A bee who got bit by a spider and now have spider capalities."






Spider Bee is a Colorless Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Spider Bee.When Spider Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Spider Bee's favorite type of treat is Spider Eye.

Spider Bee likes theSpider Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 20 pollen in 4 seconds.
  • Makes 100 honey in 4 seconds.
  • +75% movespeed, +10% gather and convert speed, +10 gather amount, +100 convert amount, +3 attack.
  • 🌟 Gifted Hive Bonus:+100% Movespeed.


  • Web Shooter:Shoots 5 web shots at the player which deals damage to the enemies and make them stuck for 3 seconds.
  • Spider Summonning:Summons 1 Spiders (+1 per 10 level) that collect tokens for you and attack mobs.Damage equal to this bee's attack x10.
  • Super Strength:For 30 seconds,this bee's damage is tripled.
  • Gifted Ability:Iron Spider:The bee gains x2 Damage,x2 Critical Chance,x2 Critical Power and unlocks the Laser attack for 1 minute.
    • Laser:Shoots a beam at an enemy(or a random direction if there's none),which damages all enemies in its path and collects 5 pollen from flower in its path.
  • Passive: Spider Power:When you're in Spider Field,you get the Spider Power effect.
    • The Spider Power effect gives +100% Spider Field Capacity and Spider Field Pollen,-5% Monster Respawn Time and x1.25 Convert Rate At Hive

(time to afk at Spider to get that -5% respawn time)

Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Strawberry Field.

A bee which comes from an unknown world which is called "Pokemon".Seems to have powerful moves."






Ruby Bee is a Red Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Ruby Bee.When Ruby Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Ruby Bee's favorite type of treat is Gold Strawberry.

Ruby Bee likes theStrawberry Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 10 pollen in 2 seconds.
  • Makes 150 honey in 3 seconds.
  • +100% energy, +50% movespeed, +50% convert speed, +50 convert amount, +10 attack.
  • 🌟Gifted Hive Bonus: +15% Instant Red Conversion.


  • Hyper Beam:Shoots 3(+1 per 5 level) beams at the enemies that deals damage when. The bee stands in place for 5 seconds to recharge.
  • Confusion:Make the enemies move in random directions for 15 seconds.
  • Earthquake:Makes the ground shakes, creating 5 shockwaves that deals damage to enemies.
  • Hydro Cannon:Shoots 3 blasts at an enemy (or random direction if there's none) that deals damage to the enemy and makes the flowers regrow instantly and pollinate the flowers.
  • Gifted Ability:Z-Move:Activates one of these random moves:
    • Breakneck Blitz:The bee builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and charges into the enemies at full speed,dealing huge damage.
    • Shattered Psyche:The bee controls the enemies with its Z-Power and hurts all of the enemies with full force.
    • Tectonic Rage:The bee burrows deep into the ground and slams into the enemies with the full force of its Z-Power,dealing huge damage.
    • Hydro Vortex:The bee creates a huge whirling current using its Z-Power(basically a big water tornado) to swallow the enemies with full force, dealing huge damage when touched,and makes the flowers regrow instantly and pollinate the flowers.
  • Gifted Ability:Mega Evolution:The bee gains x2 Damage and x2 Speed.Hyper Beam shoots +1 times,Earthquake creates +1 shockwaves,Hydro Cannon shoots +1 times for 60 seconds.
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Bamboo Field.

A bee which comes from an unknown world which is called "Pokemon".Seems to have powerful moves."






Sapphire Bee is a Blue Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Sapphire Bee.When Sapphire Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Sapphire Bee's favorite type of treat is Bamboo Leaves.

Sapphire Bee likes theBamboo Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 10 pollen in 2 seconds.
  • Makes 150 honey in 3 seconds.
  • +100% energy, +50% movespeed, +50% convert speed, +50 convert amount, +10 attack.
  • 🌟Gifted Hive Bonus: +15% Instant Blue Conversion.


  • Leaf Tornado:Summons 1(+1 per 10 level) Tornados of leaves that function the same as Windy Bee's Tornados.
  • Flamethrower:Shoots 3(+1 per 10 level) blasts of flame at the enemies(random direction if there's none) that deals damage to enemies,and make the ground Flame.
  • Take Down:Charges at the enemies and deals damage,but the bee stand in place for 5 seconds to recover.
  • Blast Burn:Shoots 3(+1 per 10 level) blasts at the enemies(random direction if there's none) that deals damage to enemies when touched and makes the ground Flame.The bee stands in place for 5 seconds to recharge.
  • Gifted Ability:Z-Move: Activates 1 of these attacks:
    • Bloom Doom:The bee collects energy from plants using its Z-Power and summons 3 big plants that attacks the enemy with full force,which deals huge damage to enemies(like Omega Flowery's attack).
    • Breakneck Blitz:The bee builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and charges into the enemy at full speed,dealing huge damage.
    • Inferno Overdrive:The bee breathes a stream of intense fire toward the enemy with the full force of its Z-Power,dealing huge damage to enemies,and makes the ground Flame.
  • Gifted Ability:Mega Evolution:The bee gains x2 Damage, x2 Speed;Leaf Tornado summons +1 tornados, Flamethrower and Blast Burn shoots +1 blasts for 60 seconds.
Qrupafjzvm/(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore
  • Original

  • Gifted



"The Guardian of Pineapple Patch.

A bee that is an expert in bombs and... pineapples?"






Bomby Bee is a Colorless Royal Bee that can be obtained by defeating Bomby Bee.When Bomby Bee is defeated,the bee creates its own hive slot to stay in.

Bomby Bee's favorite type of treat is Red Pineapples.

Bomby Bee likes thePineapple Field and Star Field. It doesn't dislike any field.


  • Collects 40 pollen in 4 seconds.
  • Makes 300 honey in 4 seconds.
  • +15% movespeed, +100 convert amount, +1 attack.
  • 🌟Gifted Hive Bonus: +25% Bomb Pollen.


  • Explosion:Makes 5 explosions on the field,collecting 10 pollen from 29 surrounding flowers,and also creating shockwaves,which deals damage equaling to this bee's attack*10 to each mobs on the field.
  • Pineapple Bombs:Drops 5 Pineapple Bombs on the field that collects 15 pollen from 29 surrounding flowers and deals damage equaling to this bee's attack*20 when the mobs are in the bomb's range after 3 seconds.
  • Gifted Attack:All Bombs in 1:Drops 5 Pineapple Bombs at the same time,then throws 5 bombs at the player,then makes 5 Explosions,and if there are mobs nearby,make 5 Bombs drop from the sky which explodes,dealing damage equaling to this bee's attack*10.
  • Last Stand:The Final Explosion in the Underground:Make multiple Explosions underground,creating shockwaves.All damage is doubled,and the bee throws double the amount of bombs.

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Located inside the Lid Cave in the 30 bee zone.Unlocked after finishing the quest "

The Queen Bee Gate, or the 40 Bee Gate, is a gate that requires 40 bees to pass through. It is located inside the Lid Cave.It gets its name by the large Queen Bee on top of it.

The Star Field is a field located past the Queen Bee Gateand behind Gifted Queen Bee. There are no mobs that protect this field.

This is a 30x30 field, containing 900 flowers. The flowers are white, red, and blue, and the only natural size is star.

This is also the Bee Rush area.

Note: the flowers in fields are randomly generated, so the flower counts above may not be 100% correct for you. The percentages should be roughly correct, however.

Every bee in the game likes the Star Field. There are no bees that dislike the Coconut Field.

-Obtaining Boosts+Using glitter will add 100% Star Field pollen onto the current boost for 15 minutes if it isn't already maxed out.
+Redeeming certain valid codes.

The Royal Shop is a shop located nextto the Star Field.This shop sells one bags, three tools, one hat, one pair of boots,one belt and two guards.

19 new Mini-Bosses:All new mini-bosses,if summoned by a player,creates an arena that anyone can join,but can't leave.The only way to get out is to defeat the mini-boss(you respawn in the arena)

  • Sun Bee

  • Floating Bee

  • Toad Bee

  • Icy Bee

  • Lucky Bee

  • Ruby Bee

  • Sapphire Bee

  • Spider Bee

  • Bomby Bee

  • Snail Bee

  • Santa Bee

  • Thorn Bee

  • Spiky Bee

  • Skelly Bee

  • Ant Bee

  • Mountain Bee

  • Coconut Bee

  • Pepper Bee

  • Queen Bee

The Sun Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Sunflower Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Sun Staff on Sunflower Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Sun Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Sun Staff,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Sun Staff or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Sun Staff,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Sun Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Sunflower Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Sun Bee is spotted in the Sunflower Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Fire Breath:Aim at a player and breathe fire which,when hit,deals 20 damage and fling the player out in that direction,and make a trail of Flamethat,when touched,deals 10 damage.
  • Sunbeam Storm:Fires 4 big beams from the Sun that,when touched,deals 15 damage.
  • Sun Power:Summons 15Flames on the field that,when touched,deals 10 damage.
  • Hypnosis:Controls your Photon Bee,and summons 50 beams from the sky that,when touch,deals 5 damage.
  • Gifted Attack(see Mechanics for more info):Sunny Day:When activated,cause every Flame that was summoned by Sun Bee on the field to last 100% longer and deals 2x the damage for 30 seconds.
  • Last Stand(see Mechanics for more info):The Sun's Last Light:Every 3 seconds,summons 5 Flames at random points on the field that deals 10 damage when touched.Every Flame will also last 2 times longer.
  • Passive: Burn:Every damage gives the player the Burn effect.This gives the player 3 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Sun Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens underneath, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:

  • Honey
  • Treats
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Sun Rocks
  • Royal Jellies
  • Oils
  • Sprouts
  • Sun Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
  • Gold Egg(rare)
  • Star Jelly(rare)
  • Diamond Egg(very rare)
  • Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
  • StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Floating Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Dandelion Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Wind Vial on Dandelion Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Floating Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Wind Vial,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Wind Vial or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Wind Vial,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Floating Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Dandelion Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Floating Bee is spotted in the Dandelion Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Bomb Rain:Drops 5 bombs from the sky which explodes after 3 seconds,dealing 20 damage to the player if in range.
  • Poisonous Air:Aims at a player and blows poisonous air,dealing 15 damage when touched.
  • Calling the Wind:Summons 2 Wild Windy Bees at level 8 on the field that lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Hypnosis:Controls your Windy Bee and summons 2 Tornados that can damage you.
  • Gifted Ability:Acid Rain of Bombs:Summons 3 Acid Rain(look at Windy Bee's Gifted Ability for more info) that drops Bombs down every 3 seconds.
  • Last Stand:The Last Blow of the Wind:Summons 3 Wild Windy Bees at level 8 that lasts until the battle ends.All damage are doubled and all Acid Clouds and Tornados last 2x longer.

Upon defeat,Floating Bee flies to the middle of the field,summons a cloud and leaves a ring of tokens underneath, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:

  • Honey
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Dandelion Flowers
  • Oils
  • Sprouts
  • FloatingBee(100%,only if you summoned it)
  • Gold Egg(rare)
  • Star Jelly(rare)
  • Diamond Egg(very rare)
  • Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
  • StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Toad Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Mushroom Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Legendary Mushroom on Mushroom Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Toad Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Legendary Mushroom,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted). It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Legendary Mushroom or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Legendary Mushroom,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Toad Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Mushroom Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Toad Bee is spotted in the Mushroom Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Mushroom Bomb:Drops 5 Mushroom Bombs that,when touched,explodes and deals 10 damage.
  • Bomb Team:Summons 3 Demo Bees that last for 15 seconds that creates Bomb Tokens that when touched,deals 10 damage.
  • Hypnosis:Controls your Bomber and Demo bees that each spawns 2 bomb tokens that when touche,deals 10 damage.
  • Explosion:Makes 5 explosions on the field,dealing 10 damange when touched.
  • Gifted Attack:Bomb Fun:Summons 5 Demo Bees that last for 30 seconds that creates Bomb Tokens that when touched,deals 20 damage and also make an explosion on that spot after 2 seconds.
  • Last Stand:Bomb Hell:Summons 3 Demo Bees that last until the bee is defeated that creates Bomb Tokens that when touched,deals 10 damage.Every 5 seconds,makes 1 explosion on the field.All damage are doubled and all Bomb Tokens last x2 longer.

Upon defeat,Toad Bee flies to the middle of the field,makes an explosion in the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens in it, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:

  • Honey
  • Strawberries
  • Red Mushrooms
  • Red Extracts
  • Sprouts
  • Toad Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
  • Gold Egg(rare)
  • Star Jelly(rare)
  • Diamond Egg(very rare)
  • Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
  • StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Icy Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Blue Flower Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Ice Wand on Blue Flower Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Icy Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Ice Wand,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Ice Wand or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Ice Wand,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Icy Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Blue Flower Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Icy Bee is spotted in the Blue Flower Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Ice Blocks:Summons 10 Ice Blocks one after another every second that,when touched,deals 10 damage that lasts for 2 seconds.
  • Ice Shards:Shoots 25 Ice Shards at you rapidly that,when touched,deals 5 damage.
  • Hypnosis:Controls all of your Frosty Bees and make it attack the player for 15 seconds.Damage equals to your bees' attack.
  • Snowfall:Make snow piles on the field that,if touched,deals 5 damage and make the player slide.All Ice Blocks last x2 the time and there are x2 the Ice Shards.This lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Gifted Attack:Sub-Zero Temperature:Gives the player the Cold effect.All Ice Blocks last x2 the time and there are x2 the Ice Shards.This lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Last Stand:Absolute-Zero Temperature:Gives the player the Cold x3 effect.All Ice Blocks last x3 the time and there are x3 the Ice Shards.All damage are doubled.
  • Passive:Cold:Every damage gives the player the Cold effect.This gives the player -25% movespeed, -25% gather speed, and 1 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Icy Bee flies to the middle of the field,summons an Ice Block and leaves a ring of tokens in the block, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:

  • Honey
  • Treats
  • Blueberries
  • Blue Flower Petal
  • Royal Jellies
  • Blue Extract
  • Sprouts
  • Icy Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
  • Gold Egg(rare)
  • Star Jelly(rare)
  • Diamond Egg(very rare)
  • Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
  • StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Lucky Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Clover Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Lucky Charm on Clover Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Lucky Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Lucky Charm,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also have a 1/50 chance to have its Last Stand.If summoned by Lucky Charm or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Lucky Charm,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Lucky Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Clover Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Lucky Bee is spotted in the Clover Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Lucky Dices:Drops 1-4 Dices that covers 1-4 forths of the field,dealing 10 damage when touched.This repeats 3 times.
  • Clover Bombs:Drops 5 Clover Bombs that explodes and deal 10 damage when touched.
  • Luck or Unluck?:Gives a random effect in the list:
    • x1.5 Damage
    • x1.5 Movespeed
    • x1.5 Defense
    • x1.5 Bee Movespeed
    • x1.5 Critical Chance
    • x1.5 Critical Power
    • x1.5 Bee Ability Rate
    • Heals by 20 Hp
    • x0.5 Damage
    • x0.5 Movespeed
    • x0.5 Defense
    • x0.5 Bee Movespeed
    • x0.5 Critical Chance
    • x0.5 Critical Power
    • x0.5 Bee Ability Rate
    • Deals 20 Hp of damage
    • Unlucky
  • Gifted Attack:Unlucky Time:Gives the player the Unlucky x3 and 2 of the following debuffs:
    • x0.5 Damage
    • x0.5 Movespeed
    • x0.5 Defense
    • x0.5 Bee Movespeed
    • x0.5 Critical Chance
    • x0.5 Critical Power
    • x0.5 Bee Ability Rate
  • Last Stand:Bad Day:Gives the player Unlucky x5.All damage are doubled.+1 to the amount of Dices drops.
  • Passive:Unlucky:Every damage gives the player the Unlucky effect.This gives the player -5% of every stats in the game.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second and -5% for every stack)

Upon defeat,Lucky Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:

  • Honey
  • Treats
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pineapples
  • 4-Leaf Clover
  • Royal Jellies
  • Tickets
  • Red Extracts
  • Blue Extracts
  • Oils
  • Enzymes
  • Glues
  • Sprouts
  • Lucky Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
  • Silver Egg(rare)
  • Gold Egg(rare)
  • Star Jelly(rare)
  • Diamond Egg(very rare)
  • Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
  • StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

(in work)

The Ruby Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Strawberry Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Ruby Stone on Strawberry Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Ruby Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Ruby Stone,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Ruby Stone or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Ruby Stone,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Ruby Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Strawberry Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Ruby Bee is spotted in the Strawberry Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Hyper Beam:Shoots 5 beams at the player that deals 10 damage when touched.The bee stands in place for 5 seconds to recharge.
  • Confusion:Make the controls random(WASD,Spacebar,123456) and makes 3 bees attack you for 15 seconds.Damage equal to damage of the bee attacking you.
  • Earthquake:Makes the ground shakes, creating 5 shockwaves that deals 10 damage when touched.
  • Hydro Cannon:Shoots 3 blasts at the player that deals 20 damage when touched and makes the ground slippery.
  • Gifted Attack:Z-Move:Activates one of these random moves:
    • Breakneck Blitz:The bee builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and charges into the player at full speed,dealing 50 damage if touched.
    • Shattered Psyche:The bee controls the player with its Z-Power and hurts the target with full force.Click 50 times fast before the attack hits to escape,or lose 50 HP.
    • Tectonic Rage:The bee burrows deep into the ground and slams into the player with the full force of its Z-Power,dealing 50 damage when touched.
    • Hydro Vortex:The bee creates a huge whirling current using its Z-Power(basically a big water tornado) to swallow the player with full force, dealing 50 damage when touched,and makes the ground slippery
  • Last Stand:Mega Evolution:The bee gains x2 Health, x2 Damage, x2 Defense.Hyper Beam shoots 10 times,Earthquake creates 10 shockwaves,Hydro Cannon shoots 5 times.

(yes,I know,it's Pokemon)Upon defeat,Ruby Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens underneath, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Gold Strawberries
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extract
-Ruby Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Sapphire Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Bamboo Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Sapphire Stone on Bamboo Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Sapphire Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Sapphire Stone,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Sapphire Stone or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Sapphire Stone,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Sapphrie Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Bamboo Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Sapphire Bee is spotted in the Bamboo Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Leaf Tornado:Summons 2 Tornados of leaves that deals
  • Flamethrower:Shoots 3 blasts of flame that deals 20 damage when touched,and make the ground burn,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Take Down:Charges at the player and if hit,deals 25 damage,but deals 500 damage to the bee.
  • Blast Burn:Shoots 3 blasts at the player that deals 20 damage when touched and makes the ground burn for 5 seconds,which deals 5 damage.The bee stands in place for 5 seconds to recharge.
  • Gifted Attack:Z-Move:Activates 1 of these attacks:
    • Bloom Doom:The bee collects energy from plants using its Z-Power and summons 3 big plants that attacks the player with full force,which deals 50 damage when touched(like Omega Flowery's attack).
    • Breakneck Blitz:The bee builds up its momentum using its Z-Power and charges into the player at full speed,dealing 50 damage if touched.
    • Inferno Overdrive:The bee breathes a stream of intense fire toward the player with the full force of its Z-Power,dealing 50 damage when touched,and makes the ground burn,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Last Stand:Mega Evolution:The bee gains x2 Health, x2 Damage, x2 Defense.Leaf Tornado summons 3 tornados, Flamethrower and Blast Burn shoots 5 blasts.

(yes,this is also pokemon)Upon defeat,Sapphire Bee flies to the middle of the field,leaves a ring of tokens, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Bamboo Leavs
-Royal Jellies
-Blue Extract
-Sapphire Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Spider Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Spider Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Spider Web Shooter on Spider Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Spider Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Spider Web Shooter,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Spider Web Shooter or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Spider Web Shooter,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Spider Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Spider Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Spider Bee is spotted in the Spider Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Web Shooter:Shoots 5 web shots at the player which deals 10 damage and makes you stuck for 1 seconds.
  • Web Catcher:Drops 5 big webs from the sky which deals 10 damage when caught and makes the player stand in place for 3 seconds.
  • Bee Catching:Shoots web onto all of your bees,making them stuck for 5 seconds.
  • Spider Summonning:Summons 3 Spiders at level 10,1000 HP and deals 10 damage when touched.
  • Gifted Attack:Super Strength:Charges at the player,and if hit,grabs the player and throw them away,dealing 25 damage.
  • Last Stand:Iron Spider:The bee gains x2 Health, x2 Damage, x2 Defense.Unlocks the Laser attack.
    • Laser:Shoots 5 beams at the player,dealing 25 damage when touched.

(yes I know,this is Spider-Man)Upon defeat,Spider Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Sunflower Seeds
-4-Leaf Clover
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Spider Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Bomby Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Pineapple Patch or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Bomb on Pineapple Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Bomby Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Bomb,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Bomb or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Bomb,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Bomby Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Pineapple Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Bomby Bee is spotted in the Pineapple Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

Bomby Bee's attack is a combination of old bomb attacks from the other bees and some new attacks.

  • Hypnosis:Controls your Bomber and Demo bees that each spawns 2 bomb tokens that when touched,deals 10 damage.
  • Explosion:Makes 5 explosions on the field,dealing 10 damange when touched,and also creating shockwaves,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Pineapple Bombs:Drops 5 Pineapple Bombs on the field that deals 10 damage when exploded after 3 seconds.
  • Bomb Throwing:Throws 5 bombs at the player that explodes after 3 seconds, dealing 10 damage.
  • Gifted Attack:All Bombs in 1:Drops 5 Pineapple Bombs at the same time,then throws 5 bombs at the player,then makes 5 Explosions,then make 5 Bombs drop from the sky which explodes after 3 seconds,dealing 10 damage.
  • Last Stand:The Final Explosion in the Underground:Make multiple Explosions underground,creating shockwaves.All damage is doubled,and the bee throws double the amount of bombs.

Upon defeat,Bomby Bee flies to the middle of the field,makes an explosion and leaves a ring of tokens in the explosion, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Red Pineapples
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Bomby Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Snail Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Stump Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Special Glue on Stump Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Snail Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Special Glue,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Special Glue or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Special Glue,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Snail Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Stump Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Snail Bee is spotted in the Stump Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

The Snail Bee is more of a tanker than an attacker,so it doesn't have many attacks.

  • Gumdrop Rain:Drops 20 Gumdrops that,if hit the player,deals 10 damage,and gives the player the Gooey effect.
  • Hypnosis:Controls your Gummy Bee,and make it drops 5 gumdrops that,if hit the player,deals 10 damage,and gives the player the Gooey effect every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.
  • Gifted Attack:Gumdrop Cannon:Shoots 10 gumdrops at the player,dealing 10 damage when touched and gives the player the Gooey effect.Also makes the ground gooey,giving -25% movespeed when stepped on.
  • Last Stand:Rain of Mighty Gumdrops:Drops 5 Gumdrops every 5 seconds,wealing 10 damage when touched and gives the player the Gooey effect.Also makes the ground gooey,giving -25% movespeed when stepped on.All damage are doubled,and all damage gives Gooey x2 instead.
  • Passive:Gooey:Every damage gives the player the Gooey effect.This gives the player -25% movespeed, -25% gather speed, but x1.25 Pollen From Bees and Tools.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Snail Bee flies to the middle of the field,drops a big Gumdrop which covers the whole field in goo and leaves a ring of tokens in the middle, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Sunflower Seeds
-Cooked Gumdrops
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Snail Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Santa Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Pine Tree Forest or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Christmas Star on Pine Tree Forest,randomly summoned during the night,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Santa Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Christmas Star,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Christmas Star or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Christmas Star,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Santa Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Pine Tree Forest! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Santa Bee is spotted in the Pine Tree Forest! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Star Rain:Summons 10 Stars which drops down,dealing 10 damge when hit,but gives a stack Inspire.
  • Present Bombs:Drops 5 Presents down which,if touched,explodes and deals 10 damage.
  • Santa on a Sleigh:Goes on a sleigh and dashs at the player,dealing 10 damage if hit.
  • Snowy Day:Make snow piles on the field that,if touched,deals 5 damage and make the player slide.ALso gives the Cold effect.
  • Gifted Attack:Coal For You This Year:Drops 5 Coal from the sky in a line,which deals 10 damage when touched,then shoots a blast on that line,dealing 10 damage if touched,and makes the coals burn,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Last Stand:You Are Too Naughty:All damage are tripled.Star Rain drops 20 stars,Present Bombs drops 10 bombs,Coal For You This Year drops 10 coals in 2 lines.
  • Passive:Cold:Gives the player -25% movespeed, -25% gather speed, and 1 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Santa Bee flies to the middle of the field,drops a Present and leaves a ring of tokens in the Present, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Field Dices
-Sunflower Seeds
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Santa Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Festive Bean(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Thorn Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Cactus Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Golden Stinger on Sunflower Field,randomly summoned during the night,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Thorn Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Golden Stinger,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Golden Stinger or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Golden Stinger,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Thorn Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Cactus Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Thorn Bee is spotted in the Cactus Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Stinger Rain:Drops 50 stingers from the sky,which deals 25 damage when touched.
  • Stinger Shooter:Shoots 5 stingers at the player,dealing 25 damage when touched.
  • Calling For Help:Summons 1 Rouge Vicious Bee at level 12 that lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Stinger Booster:All attacks deals x2 the damage for 30 seconds.(also boosts every Rouge Vicious Bee's attack on the field)
  • Gifted Attack:Stinger Hell:Randomly summons 50 Stingers from the ground,then the sky,then the sides.
  • Last Stand:One Last Stand of the Hero:Summons 2 Rouge Vicious Bee at level 12 that lasts until the bee is defeated.All attacks deals x2 the damage.Every 3 seconds,it summons a tracking stinger at the player.

Upon defeat,Thorn Bee flies to the middle of the field,summons a Stinger and leaves a ring of tokens around it, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Cactus Water
-Royal Jellies
-Blue Extract
-Thorn Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Spiky Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Rose Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Diamond Stinger on Sunflower Field,randomly summoned during the night,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Spiky Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Diamond Stinger,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Diamond Stinger or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Diamond Stinger,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Spiky Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Rose Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Spiky Bee is spotted in the Rose Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Hypnosis:Controls your Vicious Bee and makes it summons 50 Stingers randomly,dealing 25 damage.
  • Sting:Charges into the player and sting them,dealing 25 damge if hit
  • Stinger Blaster:Shoots 15 Stingers at you from random places,dealing 25 damage when hit.
  • Stinger Field:Randomly summons Stingers on one half of the field 3 times.Summons 1 Gifted Rouge Vicious Bee for 15 seconds.
  • Gifted Attack:Bleeding Time:Shoots 15 sharp Stingers that deals 25 amage when touched and gives the Bleed effect.
  • Last Stand:Stinger Day:Summons 2 Gifted Rougue Vicious Bee that lasts until the bee is defeated.All damage is doubled.Every 3 seconds,shoots a stinger at you from a random place.
  • Passive:Bleed:Every damage gives the player the Cold effect.This gives the player 1 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Spiky Bee flies to the middle of the field,summons a Stinger and leaves a ring of tokens around it, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Rose Spike
-Royal Jellies
-Blue Extract
-Spiky Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Skelly Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Pumpkin Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Skeleton Skull on Pumpkin Field,randomly summoned during the night,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Skelly Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Skeleton Skull, it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Skeleton Skull or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

To defeat the bee,your bees need to hit it 25,000 times. At 20,000 hits,it will activate its Last Stand(if the bee can).Every attacks will miss before that.

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Skeleton Skull,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Skelly Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Pumpkin Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Skelly Bee is spotted in the Pumpkin Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Bone:Shoots 10 bones at you,dealing 1 damage every frame.

(if you somehow still dont't know who I'm talking about,it's Sans.)

  • Bone Parkour:Makes the ground filled with bones,and make parkour platforms that the player have to jump on to hit the bee.
  • Blue&Orange:Shoots 10 bones from the side that can only be dodged if you stand when the bone is blue,and move when its orange.
  • Gaster Blasters:Summon 15 Gaster Blasters at random places that shoots at the player,dealing 1 damage every frame.
  • Gifted Attack:Special Attack:Absolutely Nothing:Stand in place and heals 5 hits every 2 seconds.Hit the bee 500 times to stop this.This has a 1 minute cooldown.
  • Last Stand:The Real Special Attack:Makes the ground filled with bones,and make parkour platforms that the player have to jump on to hit the bee.All damage are doubled.Summons 3 Gaster Blaster at random places that shoots at you.

Upon defeat,Skelly Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Pumpkin Pie
-Royal Jellies
-Blue Extract
-Skelly Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

The Ant Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Ant Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Honey Jar on Ant Field or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Ant Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Honey Jar,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Honey Jar or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Ant Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Ant Field! ⚠",and Ant Field can be joined by everyone until the bee is defeated.

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Ant Summoner:Summons 10 Ants of random types,all at lv10.
  • Burning Grounds:Make parts of the ground burn,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Ant Shooter:Shoots 5 Ants at lv10 at a player,dealing damage equal to the ant's damage if hit.
  • Ant Rain:Drops Ants at lv10 down from the sky,dealing damage equal to the ant's damage if hit.
  • Gifted Attack:Ant Booster:All Ants deal x2 the damage,has x2 health and defense for 1 minute.
  • Last Stand:The Last Ant Stand:Summons 3 Ant at lv10 every 5 second.All Ants deal x2 the damage,has x2 health and defense.

Upon defeat,Ant Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens in the block, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Ant-Shaped Chocolate
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extract
-Ant Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

(in work)

The Mountain Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Mountain Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Mountain Globe on Mountain Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Mountain Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Mountain Globe,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Mountain Globe or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Mountain Globe,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Mountain Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Mountain Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Mountain Bee is spotted in the Mountain Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Mountain Climb:Summons 5 Mountains that the player have to climb to attack the bee for 15 seconds.
  • Mountain Spikes:Summons 5 Mountain Spikes,which deals 25 damage to the player.
  • The Cold Air:Blows air around the area,and if hit,gives the player the Cold x3 effect.
  • Snowfall:Make snow piles on the field that,if touched,deals 5 damage and make the player slide.
  • Gifted Attack: Icy Mountain:Summons a big mountain which is slippery that the player have to climb to attack the bee.
  • Last Stand:The Last Climb:Makes a huge mountain in the middle of the field with small mountains on the side for the player to climb to attack the bee.The top of the mountains gives the player the Cold effect.
  • Passive:Cold:Every damage gives the player the Cold effect.This gives the player -25% movespeed, -25% gather speed, and 1 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Mountain Bee flies to the middle of the field and leaves a ring of tokens, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Sunflower Seeds
-Mountain-Shaped Candy
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Snail Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

(in work)

The Coconut Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Coconut Field or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Coconut Shell on Sunflower Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Coconut Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Coconut Shell,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Coconut Shell or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Coconut Shell,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Coconut Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Coconut Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Coconut Bee is spotted in the Coconut Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Coconut Barrage:Summons 10 Coconut that deals 30 damage if hit.
  • Coconut Shooter:Shoots 5 Coconut at the player, dealing 30 damage if hit.
  • Coconut Crab Summoner:Summons a Coconut Crab fo 30 seconds.
  • Coconut Parkour:Summons 5 Coconut of different sizes that you have to parkour on to attack the bee for 30 seconds.
  • Gifted Attack:Coconut Pain:Summons 20 Coconut ,and also shoots 10 Coconuts at the player.
  • Last Stand:Last Coconut:Summons a Coconut Crab until the bee is defeated.Every seconds, drops 1 Coconut on the player.

Upon defeat,Coconut Bee flies to the middle of the field,drops a Coconut and leaves a ring of tokens in it, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Sunflower Seeds
-Coconut Milk
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Tropical Drinks
-Coconut Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

(in work)

The Pepper Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Pepper Patch or Star Field. It can be summoned using the Hot Pepper on Sunflower Field,randomly summoned during the day,or in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Pepper Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.If summoned by Hot Pepper,it is non-Gifted-locked(can't be Gifted) and if in a Bee Rush,it is Gifted-locked(always Gifted).It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.If summoned by Hot Pepper or in a Bee Rush,it is Last Stand-locked(always have a Last Stand).

When it spawns:
-If it was summoned by a player using Hot Pepper,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ Pepper Bee is summoned by {Username} in the Pepper Field! ⚠"
-If it was randomly summoned,everyone in the server will receive a notification: "⚠ (Gifted) Pepper Bee is spotted in the Pepper Field! ⚠"

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Fire Shot:Shoots 5 blasts at the player that deals 25 damage and makes the ground Flame,which deals 5 damage when touched.
  • Burning Grounds:Makes part of the ground burn,which deals 5 damge when touched.
  • Hypnosis:Controls all of your Spicy Bees and make then summon Flame,which deals 5 damage when touched
  • The Firebird:Summons a fire bird that dashes over the field 2 times which, if hit, deals 30 damage and make the ground Flame.
  • Gifted Attack:Hot Day:When activated,cause every Flame on the field to last 100% longer and deals 2x the damage for 30 seconds.The player is given the Burn effect.
  • Last Stand:The Last Burn:Cause every Flame on the field to last 100% longer and deals 2x the damage.All damage is doubled.
  • Passive:Burn:Every damage gives the player the Burn effect.This gives the player 3 damage every 5 seconds.This lasts for 15 seconds and can be stacked(+5 second for every stack)

Upon defeat,Pepper Bee flies to the middle of the field,summons an Flame ring and leaves a ring of tokens in the Flame ring, and each player gets their own loot ring instead unless the player does not deal enough damage like Windy Bee.The rewards can be:
-Spicy Pepper
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extract
-Pepper Bee(100%,only if you summoned it)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)

-StarTreat (exceptionally rare)

(in work)

The Queen Bee is a mini-boss that can spawn in Star Field. It can be summoned in a Bee Rush(Mechanics for more info).

Queen Bee have a 1/25 chance to spawn as a Gifted variant.When Gifted,it has more health, higher attack rate, doubled damage and unlocks its Gifted Attack.It also has a 1/50 chance to unlock its Last Stand.

Attack Patterns and Rewards[]

  • Transform:Transform all of your bees into random bees for 30 seconds.
  • Summon:Summons a random bee boss
  • Hypnosis:Controls all of your bees and make it attack the player for 15 seconds.Damage equals to your bees' attack.
  • Rain of Royal Jellies:Drops Royal Jellies from the sky,dealing 50 damage if hit.
  • Gifted Attack:Crown:Summons a Royal Bee and make its stats x3 boosted for 60 seconds.
  • Last Stand:The Last Attack:Transform all of your bees into random bees every 30 seconds.

Every Bee Boss now have a 1/40 chance of being gifted.The Bee Boss then have a special Gifted Attack that it can use.

Bee Bosses have a 1/10 chance of having their Last Stand attack.When the bee is below 1/5 of its health,it will activate this attack.This attack will last until the Bee is defeated,and isparallel to other attacks(that means it can activate this attack and another attack at the same time;for example,Vicious Bee can activate its random attack AND Spike Hell at the same time)

The Bee Rush is an arena-style challenge found past the Queen Bee Gate with emphasis on waves of bee bosses. The Bee Rush is similar to the Stick Bug Challenge.

The player will need 40 bees in order to pass the Queen Bee Gate and must have also finished all 20 Gifted Queen Bee quests. You can enter the Bee Rush every day.

Upon entering, the player has to defeat every bee-boss at lv15.

To progress, defeat the bee boss that spawned.

There are 20 waves,each with a bee boss,in this order:Vicious Bee->Windy Bee->Sun Bee->Floating Bee->Toad Bee->Icy Bee->Lucky Bee->Ruby Bee->Sapphire Bee->Spider Bee->Bomby Bee->Snail Bee-> Pine Bee->Thorn Bee->Spiky Bee->Skelly Bee->Ant Bee->Mountain Bee->Coconut Bee->Pepper Bee-> Queen Bee,with all bees at lv20.

After the challenge ends, a message box displays the rewards. The player can get:-Honey
-Sunflower Seeds
-Coconut Milk
-Royal Jellies
-Red Extracts
-Blue Extracts
-Tropical Drinks
-Silver Egg(rare)
-Gold Egg(rare)
-Star Jelly(rare)
-Diamond Egg(very rare)
-Festive Bean(very rare)
-Mythic Egg(exceptionally rare)
-Star Treat (exceptionally rare)
The number of rewards received increases with the amount of bees you defeated and the time you needed to defeat them.

(2020IE Submission) An idea to introduce BSS Lore (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.