Advancing the Esports and Player Experience in MENA (2024)

This year will see a few updates that impact players in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Teams from League of Legends (LoL) Esports and players from Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Esports will be allowed to participate in the Esports World Cup (EWC) in Riyadh this summer, Arabic localization will be coming to League of Legends, and we’ll launch new servers in the Middle East in 2024.

Participating in the EWC

The EWC is not an official LoL Esports event, Riot will not be involved in the production, and Riot will not select the teams that compete. That said, we know that seeing League and TFT included in an international esports event in Saudi Arabia could raise some questions. Our goal in this region, and all regions, is to make deliberate choices that result in a better experience for players around the world.

The decision to make room in our LoL Esports competitive calendar for the EWC comes after a lot of consideration about our duty to thoughtfully explore marketing and commercial opportunities for esports teams and players, as well as the impact this event can have on players in MENA. There are a few reasons we chose to participate:

A Meaningful Esports Experience For Fans

At the Esports World Cup, TFT and League join 20+ of the other largest games on the planet to create a new gaming experience for players around the world. These cross-game, cross-genre esports events are unique moments for fans of all types of games to come together.

In particular, we’ve heard from players in MENA, as well as Rioters who live and work there, about how meaningful it is to have the opportunity to see their favorite teams from across the world compete live at a major tournament in their region. We believe that supporting these types of experiences is an important part of delivering on our mission to make it better to be a player.

An Opportunity for Pro Teams and Players

We also recognize that many organizations and players in esports face economic challenges right now. With this in mind, we didn’t want to deny esports teams and players the option to participate in a major economic and brand-building opportunity. The EWC offers not only the chance to compete on an international stage but also the ability to earn a piece of a meaningful prize pool, which helps enhance financial stability.

As we look toward the future of esports competition, we see international third-party events playing a bigger role, much like they did in the early days of League. The community has been asking for more international play, and this event is part of a broader strategy to allow for additional high-impact tournaments to the esports calendar.

In 2023, events like the Asian Games and Red Bull League of Its Own were significant moments for teams, players, and fans. We’ll use this initial first-year EWC exploration to evaluate the overall tournament experience, assess the benefits to pro teams, and better understand the value of EWC to players worldwide.

Making it Better to be a Player in MENA

Riot and League of Legends were built with the goal of making sure that players around the world have the best game experience possible. That’s why we have over 20 global offices, most focusing specifically on publishing efforts in their region. While we’ve had an office in Dubai since 2018 doing impactful publishing work, on the game side, we haven’t delivered the ideal player experience in MENA for League of Legends.

Back in 2019, we made a promise to localize League of Legends in Arabic for players in MENA. We're overdue for an update here, but we’re happy to confirm that we’ll be turning this long-standing promise into reality this summer. Beyond making sure the linguistic nuances and champion voiceover feel right, there were some technical pieces like reworking game interfaces so text could work when read right-to-left. We know it’s taken too long, but we’re almost there. Along with the Arabic localization, we’re also getting ready to launch local servers based in the Middle East. No one likes whiffing a skillshot or missing their pick on the carousel, so we're excited for players in the Middle East to play League and TFT with significantly reduced ping starting soon (™).

We want to thank all the players in MENA who have patiently waited for us to bring a better, more localized League experience to their region. We also want to acknowledge that not everyone will choose to watch the Esports World Cup – and we understand and respect that choice – but we believe the impact this event can have for esports teams, pro players, and players across MENA makes our participation the right call.

Advancing the Esports and Player Experience in MENA (2024)


What benefits are there to being a successful esports competitor? ›

Professional gamers earn salaries and sponsorships, and even universities offer scholarships for eSports programs.

What are the benefits of esports and gaming? ›

Regardless of one's skill in gaming, esports players gain social and emotional learning skills as they establish teams, develop mentorships, collaborate, and compete amongst students who may not otherwise interact with one another.

How does esports benefit students? ›

➀ Student Engagement and Participation

For those students, esports can provide a fun and engaging way to learn. It can help students develop a sense of community and belonging. Research suggests that the interactive and immersive qualities of games can significantly improve engagement and motivation.

What is esports and why is it important? ›

Short for electronic sports, esports are a subset of gaming video content and are defined by EMARKETER as organized gaming competitions among professional players and teams. Like traditional sports, many esports tend to feature the same structure, such as having leagues, teams, and players.

What makes an esport successful? ›

Producing high-quality, competitive esports events involves careful planning and attention to detail to ensure both the excitement of the competition and the engagement of the audience. This includes the selection of games, the structure of tournaments, and ensuring fairness and transparency in competition.

How do esports affect society? ›

Esports has also had an impact on popular culture by introducing new forms of entertainment and fostering communities. The gaming industry will continue to shape economies, drive innovation, and inspire the next generation of gamers and entrepreneurs as it evolves.

How does esports help with social skills? ›

Like D&D, esports require students to hone their communication, collaboration, and creative thinking skills, and also serve as an important foundation for building relationships. A Pew Research report found that video games can play a key role in teen friendships, particularly among boys.

How does esports affect the gaming industry? ›

The impact of esports on the gaming industry is undeniable, and its influence continues to grow. Esports has not only elevated gaming to a new level of recognition but has also inspired a generation of gamers to pursue their passion professionally.

What are the goals of esports? ›

Esports embraces students' passion for competitive gaming to foster collaboration, creativity and inclusion. Participants build strengths in problem solving, teamwork and communication, as well as STEAM skills.

Why should people care about esports? ›

Gaming and esports are digital by nature and therefore the possibilities arising from data use, data collection and interpretation of that data (including the use of AI) are growing. In addition, various learning points also arise which can be used by other industries. And this is why you should care.

How does eSports affect youth? ›

Disadvantages of esports : Addiction: It is very common to hear about people that are addicted to esports. It not only affects mental health but also hampers the studies among the young generation. Increase in violent and aggressive reactions among the player: We know that esports is sometimes aggressive and violent.

Why is eSports relevant today? ›

The U.S eSports scene has become a hub for talent, innovation, and investment, drawing interest from major brands and media. Competitive gaming growth continues to surge as eSports establishes itself as a key player in the confluence of technology, media, and culture.

What are the effects of e sports? ›

research indicates that esports programs have the potential to positively impact the development of communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills (Rothwell and Shaffer, 2019), professional and academic skills, social and emotional learning (Reitman et al., 2020), social belonging and mental health (Tjønndal and ...

How much do esports competitors make? ›

Salaries: Top-tier eSports players, especially in popular games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, can earn substantial salaries ranging from $50,000 to over $1 million annually. These salaries are paid by the teams they play for.

What are the benefits of esports sponsorships? ›

1 Reach a large and engaged audience

One of the most obvious benefits of sponsoring an esports team is that you can reach a large and engaged audience that is passionate about gaming and esports.

What are the benefits of franchising in esports? ›

The franchisor will also typically provide support and resources for marketing and advertising efforts, which can be especially helpful for those new to the world of business ownership. Another benefit of owning a franchise is the potential for ongoing support and training from the franchisor.

What is the highest paying esports competition? ›

The International. The International is the world's largest endowed eSports event, with 25.5 million dollars in prize money at stake in the Dota2 tournament. The 1st place finishers Team OG received 11.2 million dollars and the two last place finishers received $63,580 dollars.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.