Dandelion Muffins Recipe (2024)

//byAnnie Bernauer//13 Comments

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We were so excited to finally have enough dandelions blooming so we could harvest some to make a batch of these delicious dandelion muffins!

The first dandelions of the season started blooming a few weeks ago. At first there were only afew so we didn’t pick any so our honeybees had enough flowers to feed on until the other spring flowers started blooming.

Finally our yard and meadow were filled with the bright sunshine dots of dandelions glowing in the spring sunshine. The kids were so thrilled to pick dandelions with a purpose!

On our homestead, we love dandelions! Dandelions are one of the first wild plants we get to harvest after our long, cold winters in Montana.

We love to eat them inpancakes, tea, jelly, syrup, dandelion rhubarb pie, and infuse them for our medicinal dandelion salve.

We also plan to try some of these delicious dandelion recipes from the Prairie Homestead!

I love to bake so every week I try to make a homemade baked treat for our family to have for breakfast or snacks.

This week’s delicious treat was dandelion muffins. Little B devoured them, which is remarkable since he’s a picky two year old eater!

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Harvesting Dandelions to Make Muffins

For this recipe, we only need the yellow flower head and not the dandelion greens. Dandelion flowersusually close up at night so it is best to harvest them during the day once the flowers are fully opened.

To harvest the dandelion flowers, gently pull the flower head up and it will snap off the stem. We harvest dandelion flowers from low traffic areas of the yard away from any roads or areas where our dogs may have been.

We use a bucket or basket to put our dandelion flower heads in when harvesting.

When using dandelion flowers in recipes, we try to only use the yellow petals. The small green leaves at the base of the flower are bitter which can cause the food to be bitter when you don’t want it to.

If a few tiny bits of the green leaves are mixed in with the flower petals that is fine, you just don’t want a lot of them.

To remove the petals, hold the dandelion flower at the green base in one hand and use your other hand to either pull the yellow petals out or use kitchen scissors to cut the yellow petals off.

Place the yellow petals in a measuring cup and stop harvesting once you have one cup of dandelion flower petals. We put the green base and any little leaves we find in the food scrap bucket for our neighbor’s goats.

Delicious Dandelion Muffins Recipe

These dandelion muffins make a great breakfast food or snack. This recipe makes one dozen muffins. This recipe is adapted from a berry muffin recipe found in one of my favorite cookbooks ,Simply in Season.

Ingredients for Dandelion Muffins:

1 1/2 cups flour

1 cup rolled oats

1 TBS baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup plus 1 TBS sugar

1 egg

1 cup milk

1/4 cup coconut oil, warmed to a liquid

1/4 cup honey

1 cup dandelion flower petals

Directions for Dandelion Muffins:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Combine the flour, oats, baking powder, salt and 1/4 cup sugar in a bowl.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the egg, milk, honey and coconut oil. Whisk and mix well.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and gently stir until mixed without over mixing.
  5. Fold in the dandelion flower petals.
  6. Prepare the muffin pan by greasing or lining with muffin wrappers.
  7. Fill each muffin cup about 2/3 full.
  8. Sprinkle the muffin tops with a light sprinkling of sugar with the remaining 1 TBS sugar.
  9. Bake the muffins at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

How to Learn More about Foraging for Dandelions and Wildcrafting

Are you interested in learning more about foraging for dandelions, other types of wild edibles and how to use them?

I highly recommend the Herbal Academy Botany & Wildcrafting Course. This great course is online and self-paced so you can take it anytime that works for you!

I’ve taken several online courses through the Herbal Academy and love that I can access this learning from our rural homestead!

Dandelion Muffins Recipe (2)

What are your favorite ways to eat dandelions?

updated March 2023

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Dandelion Muffins Recipe (3)

About Annie Bernauer

Annie Bernauer is a certified Master Gardener and Master Naturalist. She enjoys writing about her family's adventures in modern day homesteading in Montana and helping others to learn these skills.

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Reader Interactions


    • Dandelion Muffins Recipe (17)Montana Homesteader

      Thank you, its wonderful to be back blogging and settling in to our new homestead!


  1. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (18)Anna

    These sound yummy, thanks for the recipe!


    • Dandelion Muffins Recipe (19)Montana Homesteader

      I hope you enjoy them!


  2. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (20)Janice Slack

    Love your site


    • Dandelion Muffins Recipe (21)Montana Homesteader

      Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!


  3. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (22)Marsha

    My condolences on the loss of some of your extended family. I am so happy that things seem to be coming together for you.Best wishes for the year to come and hope you have time to post some more.


  4. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (23)Dee

    Are the dandelion flower petals fresh or dried?


  5. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (24)Grace

    I just had my first sautéed dandelion,it was delicious,soon I’ll try the muffins. Thanks for sharing 👍


  6. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (25)Melissa

    These muffins were great. I made a double batch and put blueberries in 1/2. It’s pretty time consuming to get the petals, but worth it!


  7. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (26)Nancy MacGregor

    I have tried to sign up for your newsletter and Blog but I keep getting an error msg.

    Could you please add me to your mailing lists?

    Yours respectfully, Nancy MacGregor


  8. Dandelion Muffins Recipe (27)Ashley Sullivan

    I liquified the coconut oil, but I resolidified when I mixed all the wet ingredients… how can I fix this?


    • Dandelion Muffins Recipe (28)Annie Bernauer

      I’ve not had that happen before with this recipe but I’ve had it happen occasionally with other recipes using coconut oil. Usually this happens when the other liquid ingredients are cold enough to re-solidify the coconut oil. What I do when this happens is let the liquid ingredients sit at room temperature or a warmer spot in the house to warm up a little.


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Dandelion Muffins Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to moist muffins? ›

How to Make Homemade Muffins Moist: Our Top Tips
  1. Tips to Make Homemade Muffins Moist.
  2. Keep Wet and Dry Ingredients Separately.
  3. Add All Flavorings Last.
  4. Consider Paper Liners.
  5. Don't Overfill the Muffin Cups.
  6. Check the Temperature of Your Oven.
  7. Test if Muffins Are Fully Cooked.
  8. Top Your Muffins with Flavor.
Aug 9, 2021

What is the secret to high muffins? ›

Chilling your muffin batter overnight in the fridge is the BEST thing you can do for amazing muffins. It makes them more moist, tender, and TALLER! It's very similar to chilling cookie dough, which if you know me you know I'm obsessed with chilling cookie dough.

What are the benefits of dandelion root capsules? ›

The potential benefits of dandelion include:
  • Providing antioxidants. Antioxidants work to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. ...
  • Reducing cholesterol. ...
  • Regulating blood sugar. ...
  • Reducing inflammation. ...
  • Lowering blood pressure. ...
  • Aiding weight loss. ...
  • Reducing cancer risk. ...
  • Boosting the immune system.

What is dandelion flower tincture good for? ›

Preliminary research suggests that dandelion may help improve liver and gallbladder function. But this study was not well designed. Preliminary animal studies suggest that dandelion may help normalize blood sugar levels and lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol in diabetic mice.

Why are Bakery muffins so much better? ›

The best bakery-style crumb muffins start with cake flour

Cake flour is more finely ground and has less protein, which leaves the muffins with a fine, light crumb and soft texture. Using cake flour is an easy way to avoid heavy, dense muffins even if you end up stirring just a bit too much.

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Using too few eggs will make your desserts dense, but using too many will make them rubbery. The explanation for this lies in the fact that eggs are made up of protein. As Fine Cooking explains, when the protein in eggs combines with the protein in flour, they produce the overall structure of the baked good.

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Rest the Muffin Batter

The first, most hands-off way to make your muffins pop (literally) is to let the batter rest. Make the batter, cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and let the batter rest at room temperature for about 1 hour. If you're short on time, just 30 minutes can make a difference.

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If there isn't enough egg, your batter or dough may not be able to hold its structure or could end up overly dry or dense. On the other hand, if there is too much egg, your baked goods could lose their shape due to excess liquid, or have a rubbery (or even overly cakey) texture depending on the recipe.

What is the side effect of dandelion? ›

When taken by mouth: Dandelion is likely safe for most people when consumed in the amounts commonly found in food. It is possibly safe when taken in larger amounts. Dandelion might cause allergic reactions, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or heartburn in some people.

Can I eat dandelions from my yard? ›

Yes, dandelions are safe to eat—and they're full of flavor and nutrients, too. Although many gardeners might think of dandelions, first and foremost, as pesky weeds, the plant is a bit misunderstood. You may be surprised to learn that the answer to "Can you eat dandelions?" is a definite yes.

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The dandelion's supposed medical benefits are alluded to in nicknames like heart-fever grass and live-long. There's also dog-posy and dog-stinker, both of which tie in with the Italian 'dog-pisses'.

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It Could Promote Liver Health

Naturopaths believe it means that dandelion root tea could help detoxify the liver, help with skin and eye problems, and relieve symptoms of liver disease. A 2017 study suggests that polysaccharides in dandelion may indeed be beneficial to liver function.

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Measure 5 ½ ounces of petals and discard the stems and leaves. Transfer dandelion petals to a container and cover completely with water. Cover and steep in a cool, dark place, up to 24 hours. Drain through a fine-mesh sieve into a saucepan, squeezing petals as dry as possible with your hands.

Does dandelion root help with belly fat? ›

“The root of a dandelion benefits the body by improving digestion, inhibiting activity of lipase, known to reduce fat absorption, which may promote weight loss,” states Geib.

What can I add to my muffin mix to make it moist? ›

The right amount of butter or oil, or a combination of both, is important to get a moist muffin. This fat is essential for producing a beautifully moist muffin with a tender crumb - so don't reduce the amount stated in the recipe.

Should you use butter or oil in muffins? ›

Many muffin recipes use cooking oil instead of butter. Oil, being a liquid, distributes easily in the quick-mix batter and is readily absorbed into the baked muffin, producing a light non-greasy texture. Vegetable oil is ideal because its mild flavour doesn't compete with the main flavour of the muffin.

How to make box muffin mix more moist? ›

Recently I discovered that if I use sour cream in place of milk in a muffin recipe, I get a super moist, fluffy muffin! The switch is very easy. If a recipe calls for 3/4 cup of milk, I simply use 3/4 cup of sour cream instead. Occasionally, I need to add a bit more sour cream to moisten the muffin batter.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.