Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (2024)

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This spicy hummus recipe is a spinoff of our favorite hummus recipe. It’s easy to make and a great addition to wraps or game day appetizers. Even the hot wings crowd will love this hearty chipotle hummus!

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (1)

This chipotle hummus recipe is a spinoff of our favorite easyhummus recipe. It’s still just as easy to make, but sometimes you’ve just gotta change things up. This version is a great option for game day, too, and it doesn’t come in plastic. (It’s a good substitute for Sabra’s Supremely Spicy Hummus, if that’s the one you love.)

Homemade Spicy Hummus

This is a low fat, high-protein, vegan hummus recipe that is far superior to store bought hummus. Plus, it’s inexpensive to make at home. Serve it with pita bread or fresh veggies as an appetizer or light lunch.

It’s got a little kick, so even the folks who might balk at vegetarian fare will find this flavorful and delicous.

The Handcrafted Pantry

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (2)

Ready to DIY your pantry with more wholesome ingredients? Check out my ebook, The Handcrafted Pantry! Filled with delicious recipes for some of your favorite condiments, snacks, and toppings, it’s the guide you need to start skipping packaged products and embrace homemade.

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (3)

A few pantry ingredients is all it takes to whip up a batch of this chipotle hummus.

Chipotle Hummus Ingredients

Garbanzo beans Traditional hummus is made with a base of finely processed garbanzo beans, aka chickpeas. You can use canned beans or prepare your own starting from dry beans for an easy pantry recipe.

Tahini This sesame seed paste can be expensive to buy, though a jar does go a long way. It’s also a hummus ingredient that many households won’t have on hand. (Once you get in the habit of making this hummus recipe, you’ll make sure it’s in your pantry!) I know a woman who dislikes the flavor of tahini and uses ricotta cheese instead.

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Chipotle pepper This ingredient determines the spiciness of the hummus and adds a smoky flavor. The recipe calls for using half of a canned chipotle pepper; feel free to add more if you like it hot!

Lemon juice Use fresh lemons if you have them. If not, bottled is fine. The amount on this is variable, depending on just how tangy you like your hummus spread. If you need more liquid for the recipe but don’t want to use the full amount of lemon, add some reserved water from the beans.

Garlic cloves Definitely use fresh garlic cloves for this — garlic powder just won’t cut it. I’m a fan of a very garlicky hummus recipe and often add a few extra cloves for extra kick.

Cumin This seasoning gives this easy hummus recipe a little earthy depth.

Salt Use your favorite table salt or sea salt.

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (4)

Combine ingredients in the bowl of a food processor.

Making this Spicy Hummus

If you start with dry garbanzo beans for this spicy hummus recipe, its super budget friendly. You can cook them on the stove top, or use an Instant Pot. [Instant Pot instructions here.]

  • Soak one and a half cups of dry garbanzo beans overnight, making sure they’re covered by about 4″ of water.
  • Drain and rinse beans.
  • Put beans in a stock pot, again covering them with several inches of water.
  • Gently boil for about an hour or until beans are soft.
  • Drain.

You can also usecanned beansfor this recipe. If you don’t can your own, you can use convenient canned beans, though that’s not quite as inexpensive as starting with dried beans. Be sure to opt for canned beans that are not lined with BPA if you’re concerned about adding extra chemicals to your diet.

To prepare the hummus, you’ll need a food processor or blender to create a creamy smooth consistency.

Simply combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor or blender carafe and whiz until smooth.

Serve it up with crackers or make a delicious hummus bowlto make it a meal.


Can I use canned beans?

If you’re in a rush, that’s a good option. 1 can contains roughly 1.5 cups of beans, so you’ll need to open 3 cans and will likely have leftovers. If you do use canned, reach for unsalted, organic beans. Drain and rinse well and let dry before using.

How do I make my hummus super smooth?

Try rubbing off the skins/husks before adding the beans to your recipe. If they are cooked well, the skins usually slips off fairly easily. After cooking, you can place the beans on a lint-free tea towel (or paper towels) and gently rub them around. The skins should separate for you to discard. This is totally optional but gives an amazing result.


This is one of those appetizers that also makes for a delicious light meal. It’s high in protein, it’s filling and it’s free of additives. Middle Eastern fare calls for serving this with pita chips or warm pita bread, but it’s delicious on crackers, toasted baguettes, or with fresh vegetables for dipping, too. Slice up a cucumber, some carrots, and red bell peppers and get ready to dip!

Garnish with cilantro and red pepper flakes, if desired.


Transfer leftovers to an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to a week.

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (5)

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Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (6)

Easy Spicy Hummus Recipe

Yield: 4 cups

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Process Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Skip the store-bought hummus and try your hand and making your own. It's super easy and versatile, not to mention so much more budget friendly!


  • 4 cups cooked garbanzo beans
  • 3 tablespoons tahini
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce
  • 4 large garlic cloves, pressed
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil, optional


  1. If you're using canned beans, drain them and reserve some liquid.
  2. Put beans in food processor with tahini, lemon juice, chipotle pepper, garlic, and cumin.
  3. Process until smooth. Add some of the reserved liquid or water if necessary. Add salt and pepper to taste. (I use about a half-teaspoon of each.)
  4. Store in fridge if you won't be serving it right away. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil before serving, unless you prefer a lower fat, oil-free hummus.


To use dry garbanzo beans: Soak one pound of beans overnight, making sure they’re covered by about 4″ of water. Drain and rinse beans. Put beans in a stock pot, again covering them with about 4″ of water. Gently boil for about an hour or until beans are soft. Drain. Use four cups of cooked beans in recipe and freeze the rest for next time. 1 cup of dried beans will make about 3 cups of cooked beans.

The recipe calls for using half of a canned chipotle pepper; feel free to add more if you like it hot!

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 8Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 103Total Fat: 2gUnsaturated Fat: 0gSodium: 298mgCarbohydrates: 16gFiber: 4gProtein: 5g

Did you make this recipe?

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This roasted red pepper hummus is another winner, if you’re looking for a less spicy hummus recipe. And be sure to try this beautiful green fava bean hummus!

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (7)

Originally published in October, 2016; this post has been updated.ore

Spicy Hummus Recipe with Chipotle - Easy to Make at Home (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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