The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (2024)

Warning: Lots of blahdeeblahdeeblah in this post. Anti-readers should go elsewhere. BUT! There's a tutorial at the end of it all if you can make it that far!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (1)

When my sewing career started up again post-college with the purchase of a cheap Singer online (which is now completely worthless, a discussion for another time, another post), I began making baby gifts for friends. That seemed to be the time when everyone around me was beginning to procreate. I myself had just begun to date my high school boyfriend for the second-time-around (who later became Mr Rae) and was nowhere near thinking about procreation or marriage at that point. Nevertheless I found baby gifts to be the perfect sewing project as I started to relearn the sewing skills that had been abandoned in my youth. One of the first things I made was a burp cloth for a friend's baby which later received rave reviews both for its attractiveness and functionality. Later when I had my own children I made loads of these and found them to be one of the most useful items those first few months. I reached for them before the birdseye diapers because they were cuter, and before the commercial multipack ones because well those are just plain worthless. I've seen many types of handmade burp cloths, but I like the way these really show off the fabric you choose.

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (2)

Last weekend my sister-in-law had a shower for her soon-to-be-expected baby boy, so I put together a stack on the suggestion of my other sister-in-law who had also found them invaluable. Just a couple of hours of sewing and I had a handmade, adorable gift. This is a great beginner project especially if you need to make a baby boy gift which can be harder to come up with at the drop of a hat (and by the way bibs are almost as easy and just as useful too!)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (3)

The front sides of the four burp cloths shown above are made with super-soft single layer gauze that I ordered from Spoonflower (a digital fabric print-on-demand website). One of the things I love about Spoonflower is that you can have your fabric printed on many different kinds of fabric. This particular set of designs is from a limited edition collection designed by Heather Ross exclusively for Spoonflower called Macaroni Love Story which is no longer available, but you can order her current Spoonflower collection here which is equally cute. Otherwise, just look around for a few minutes and you'll be sure to find a design by someone that suits you!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (4)

Now a note about this "gauze." It's actually not called "gauze" by the Spoonflower folks, it's called "voile," and I must freely admit to you that I was downright miffed last winter when it arrived on my doorstep bearing almost no resemblance whatsoever to the material called "voile" that has become popular of late (first by Anna Maria Horner and now by many other fabric designers), meaning I wasn't going to be able to use it for its original intended purpose.In fact I still feel it is a wee bit deceptive to call it "voile" considering the other voiles on the market, although I'm sure it technically qualifies as a voile by weight. If I were running things over at Spoonflower (which, obviously, I am not) I would call this a "single layer gauze" so that is what I am calling it in this post*.Regardless of what you want to call it (and whether or not you think it's worth getting grumpy about, ummmm), it absolutely makes the BEST material for burp clothes. One fat quarter would make two burp clothes, but a full yard would make four (EIGHT! Thanks Susan for that correction. I used to teach, how did that happen?) at a better price. If you ordered a full yard and hemmed it you'd have a perfect summer baby blanket very similar to the other gauzy muslin ones that seem to be popping up all over the place lately. And if the price tag seems high to you, think about this: you are paying for the ability to print a specific design (including your own) on demand. That's been unheard of until very recently.*Please don't get me wrong: I think Spoonflower is great. Stephen and the gang have been nothing but wonderful since the start and my attempts with other fabric-on-demand websites have proven that they really have a good thing going on here. I would love to talk more about designing fabric prints and ordering digital fabric on demand, but again that's another post, for another time.

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (5)

Another material that is more readily available that is great for this project is regular quilting cotton. You might think it wouldn't be absorbant enough, but you'd be wrong. It's a little heavier but works just as well, and how many great boy prints are out there right now that would be fantastic here? You can go as crazy as you want, because it's just a burp cloth, right? The back side of this burp cloth is knit jersey, which I usually cut from an old t-shirt. I also use chenille or minky for the back, but if you're not quite ready to sew with knits, flannel or terry cloth would work just fine. I think you'll find though that sewing with knit fabric is really easy for this project.

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (6)
cutting knit from t-shirts for this is so easy!just place the top rectangle right over the t-shirt and cut!

While I know that many of you could probably figure out how to put two rectangles of fabric together to make a burp cloth, just in case it helps you to have a picture step-by-step I've put together quick tutorial!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (7)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (8)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (9)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (10)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (11)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (12)

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (13)

Voila! Burp cloths! So easy.If you're just joining us, this post is part of the Celebrate the SUMMER Boy series. You can go here to see all of the posts in on place.

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (14)

And just in case you've missed what Dana has been up to this week:First up on Monday was this fantastic tutorial on upcycling thrifted men's trunks into kids trunks. Wow, don't these look great?

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (15)

And yesterday she talked about fabric selection in a FANTASTIC post about choosing fabric for boys!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (16)

And today? Racer Shorts!!!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (17)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I'm a seasoned expert in public speaking and communication, with a deep understanding of speech writing, speech delivery, and the importance of structuring a speech effectively. My expertise is demonstrated through a comprehensive understanding of the various elements involved in crafting and delivering impactful speeches, as well as the ability to provide practical guidance and insights on these topics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts related to this article.

Public Speaking

Public speaking involves a face-to-face attempt to inform, persuade, or entertain a group of people through words, physical delivery, and visual or audio aids .

Speech Introduction

The introduction of a speech serves to establish the speaker's credibility, orient the audience, and make connections between what they know or are already interested in and the speech topic. It also includes an attention getter to help the audience understand and reflect on the topic .

Speech Structure

Organizing speeches serves to improve clarity of thought in a systematic way and increase the likelihood that the speech will be effective. The introduction is where the main claim or idea should be stated very clearly to give the audience a sense of the purpose of the speech. It also establishes goodwill and credibility .

Dunning-Kruger Effect

The Dunning-Kruger effect refers to the tendency for unskilled individuals to overestimate their own ability and for experts to underestimate their own ability. It can lead people with a minimal knowledge of a subject to believe that they are experts .

Speech Writing

Establishing oneself as a credible speaker in the introduction is imperative, especially for a persuasive speech, so that the audience will want to be persuaded by the speaker. The audience determines the speaker's credibility based on the introduction, and it's important to include some experience or knowledge that shows why the speaker is credible on the topic .

These concepts provide a foundational understanding of public speaking, speech introduction, speech structure, and the Dunning-Kruger effect, which are essential for effective communication and speech delivery. If you have any further questions or would like to explore these topics in more detail, feel free to ask!

The Best Burp Cloths — Made by Rae (2024)


What are the best burp cloths to make? ›

Cotton chenille is the best fabric for absorbent burp cloths I've found, and combined with a terry cloth layer for absorbency is far superior to any other combination.

What is the most absorbent fabric for burp cloths? ›

Flannel – As well as being soft and warm, flannel is breathable. And it is more absorbent than any other material. Muslin – This is an eco-friendly material that is soft and gentle on the baby's skin. Ideal for wiping away drool and spit-up.

What are the best cloth diapers for burp cloths? ›

Gerber cloth diapers in a pack of 10 are hands down the best burp rags out there.” “Get Gerber Cloth Diapers makes very absorbent burp clothes and much cheaper than traditional ones.”

Is muslin or cotton better for burp cloths? ›

Muslin burp cloths are lightweight, breathable, soft, and durable. They are gentle on a baby's delicate skin and absorbent, making them ideal for daily use and quick cleanups. Cotton burp cloths are a bit heavier, but usually softer, more comfortable and absorbent. They also hold up well after multiple washings.

What is the best color for a burp cloth? ›

You can have lighter colors in your baby tool kit as well, but it is best to use darker ones for everyday use. Now, if you're looking for an economical way to get the best baby burp cloths, then here is a tip: look for sets.

Do burp cloths need batting? ›

Use Batting

She adds, “If you want a more absorbent burp cloth, you can add batting in the middle.” Gardner's tutorial, “How to Sew Easy Burp Cloths,” is a breeze with bright, clear photos to guide you.

Are copper pearl burp cloths worth it? ›

One of our favorites for absorbency is the Copper Pearl. It has a fleece inner core that makes it one of the most absorbent options in our review. Built for being absorbent, the Gerber Prefold is also a top performer, letting hardly any liquid through the numerous layers of gauze weave fabric.

How many layers of flannel do I need for a burp cloth? ›

I only use two flannels no batting when making burp cloths. I have seen some in LQS that use just two layers of flannel. They feel really soft and I bet they are absorbent. I have been making burp clothes using flannel on one side and a prefolded diaper on the other.

How many times can you use a burp cloth? ›

You should change them once they are wet or covered in spit-up. Our handmade burp cloths are designed so you can use one side, and then flip around to use the other. Meaning you could use them a minimum of two times. But if your baby doesn't spit up a lot you may be able to use them up to 10 times before washing.

How many burp cloths should you buy? ›

But anywhere between eight to 14 burp cloths is a good number to have for a single baby. However, if you have more babies, the number increases proportionately as each baby gets a fresh cloth each burp session.

Does Minky fabric work for burp cloths? ›

These burp cloths are ridiculously easy to make–seriously, if you can sew in a straight line, you can make these. They are so much softer and cuter than cloth diapers, and they make perfect baby shower gifts. Whip up several, and grab them whenever you need a quick gift.

Can you use minky fabric for burp cloths? ›

I have used this method to sew burp clothes for all of my own kids and they are always a great baby shower gift too! If you are new to sewing, this tutorial is for you! If sewing with the minky fabric makes you a little nervous you can always use chenille because it doesn't slip around as much as the minky fabric can.

What can I use instead of burp cloths? ›

Many parents use cloth diapers as burp rags because they're so versatile. They won't tear or stretch out of shape, and they provide the perfect absorbency for any messes your baby might make. Their softness, absorbency, and durability make them the best choice for burp rags.

Why are burp cloths thicker in the middle? ›

Some burp cloths are designed to be thicker in the middle to catch and absorb the bulk of spit-up or vomit, keeping it away from your clothes.

What can I use old burp cloths for? ›

Old burping pads make for the perfect blanket, mattress or dress for dolls. They will love it, even more, knowing they used it when they were a baby. Cleaning Cloth – Spit-up cloths are ideal to use as a cleaning cloth. They are versatile and can be used for cleaning throughout the house.

What is the best material for baby burp cloths? ›

We're using nursery flannel (a cotton flannel) on these burp cloths for extra absorption, plus an interfacing layer which will help them keep their shape through repeat washings and add extra absorbency. Don't use Minky, fleece, lightweight cotton, or muslin on these – it will just make a mess when stuff gets on them!

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.